Love you, too
"Vixen pulls you into the mud with her in the best possible way!"
This video is a perfect example of my favorite bits of mud play. It's sensual, indulgent, enveloping, silky soft, and incredibly enticing. The clay is thick enough to generously coat Vixen's amazing curves and obscure details, but still liquid enough to flow easily. The imagination takes over as she rolls around in the slip, and bucket after bucket of it is poured over her. I love watching the clay slide over her skin, and thinking about what it must feel like. That, for me, is one of the real erotic strengths of mud: it's ability to get your imagination involved. Mudmadphil and Vixen do a brilliant job of that here.
WritesNaughtyReviews 5/7/16
 Love you, too
"Wamming at its raunchiest, dirtiest level!"
I love the work of so many producers from all levels of the wamming world. From always clothed Phoebe to legends like Bill Shipton and the late Rob Blaine. But there is something about Mudmadphil's that always reaches me at the deepest of levels. And it's because his models and productions match the dirtiest part of me. Nude, raunchy, in the deepest and dirtiest of pits, full coverage. The only thing I do a bit more frequently is I love to head dunk. But everything about Phil's work makes me think of when I'm experiencing all this for myself which is why I love it so much.